Author: Admin2

  • Chin Woo NZ Wushu Team ready to compete in the 13th World Chin Woo Tournament and Cultural Festival

    Chin Woo NZ Wushu Team ready to compete in the 13th World Chin Woo Tournament and Cultural Festival

    The team of eleven will be flying out of New Zealand on the 12th and returning on the 20th of August. This biennial tournament is to be held in Shanghai, China. Competition events include the 20 Traditional Chin Woo Forms, the 10 International Wushu (IWUF) Regulation Forms, Lion Dance and Chinese Calligraphy. The nine athletes will be competing in open hand and weaponry forms under the children, youth and adult’s divisions in Chin Woo and IWUF events. CWNZ would like to wish this team a safe and happy competition. Please keep watching this space for any updates of this World Chin Woo Tournament.


    The Chin Woo New Zealand team of 11 received their new “Team Uniform” on Sunday 3rd August at the headquarters of CWNZ in Onehunga, Auckland.

    From left: Mrs Thien, Michelle Lee, Helen Cheng, Ngaroma Buchanan, Derek Buchanan, Rangiatea Buchanan, Farah Thien, Mark Botting, Jun Selwyn, Team Leader/Coach George Guo.

    Absent: Joey De Guzman

  • World Chin Woo Tournament 2014

    World Chin Woo Tournament 2014

    Chin Woo New Zealand’s wushu athletes will compete in the 13th World Chin Woo tournament in Shanghai, China in mid-August.

    Congratulations from the Chin Woo New Zealand committee to the 11 member strong team, who are scheduled to fly out of New Zealand on 12th August to participate in the 13th World Chin Woo tournament in Shanghai, China which will be held between 14th and 18th August 2014.

    Team Coach:      George Guo

    Athletes:             Farah Thien

    Rangiatea Buchanan

    Michelle Lee

    Helen Cheng

    Ngaroma Buchanan

    Jun Selwyn

    Joey De Guzman

    Derek Buchanan

    Mark Botting

    Supporter:        Mong Ying Sim

    The 9 athletes comprise of a well-balanced mix of veterans, who will be attending this biennial world event for the third time, and first-timers. This 2014 World Chin Woo competition marks the official introduction of the 2nd and 3rd set of 10 traditional Chin Woo forms for competition, endorsed by a technical committee made up from the 26 members clubs around the world.

  • Chin Woo NZ 10th Annual Tournament

    Chin Woo NZ 10th Annual Tournament

    “Let a hundred flowers blossom.” A popular Chinese saying that conveys the intention to bring out the best from a multitude of practitioners in any undertaking, was a very appropriate phrase used to describe Chin Woo New Zealand’s most recent event.

    The Chin Woo Athletic Association of New Zealand Inc (CWNZ) hosted its 10th Annual Tournament at the Mt Albert Grammar School, in Mt Albert, Auckland on Sunday 15th September 2013. The event was well attended by students from many different parts of Auckland, and it required two teams of referees over two full-sized rings to showcase the various age groups in the many barehanded and weapons routines during a seven-hour period. Notably there were a lot more younger ones as young as four or five years of age than previous years, however the skill and flair they demonstrated goes beyond the concentration and focus of their peers of a similar age, and they could well becoming the future wushu stars of Australasia in the years to come. Please see the attachment below for results of this tournament.

    At the conclusion of the tournament, spectators and competitors were treated to a display of traditional Southern style Kung-Fu known as Wing Tsun by about 20 members from the Auckland branch of NZ Wing Tsun Association, followed by an awesome demonstration of wushu skills by the referees.

    Chin Woo New Zealand would like to thank all the referees and helpers on the day for their ardent effort, with a special thanks to Lucy Ong, the Chief Tournament planner for her meticulous organisational skills and to David Cutler’s logistics team for their precision timing in delivering the floor mats on time, last but not least to Chris Rippon, our food kiosk chief with his selection of tasty morsels and hot drinks throughout the day. All of their efforts made this event a success.

    Our cordial thanks to Kiwi Asset Finance Limited, for their generosity in sponsoring this CWNZ 2013 event.

    This annual tournament has gained popularity and is recognised as one of the most legitimate Chin Woo forms-based competition events in New Zealand. Some of the athletes that have gained good results from the CWNZ tournaments have achieved very good results in international tournaments recently.

    Apart from the traditional Chin Woo forms, there were categories specified under the International Wushu Federation, i.e. International Competition Forms, optional routine and traditional forms. Medals for seventeen different bare-hand routines (including Tai Chi), short (saber, sword and broad-saber) and long weapons (staff and spear) categories were up for grabs.

    The tournament was an opportunity for participants to exchange knowledge and develop friendship through competition. Learning and practicing the martial ethics is equally important as learning and practicing the techniques in wushu. While drinking water, one must remember its source. In the case of wushu, one should always remember and pay respect to their instructor, for it is due to their commitment that the tradition and art advances to the next generation.

    CWNZ2013_Result Field 1&2

  • Chin Woo Christmas BBQ Cancelled Due to Bad Weather

    Chin Woo Christmas BBQ Cancelled Due to Bad Weather

    Unfortunately we will have to cancel today’s Christmas BBQ at Kaitoke due to the bad weather affecting the Wellington region.

    Thank you to all who were planning on coming along, it’s just a shame the weather has not turned it on for us this time.

    From all of us at Chin Woo NZ, have a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.

  • Chin Woo NZ Christmas @ Kaitoke Funday

    Chin Woo NZ Christmas @ Kaitoke Funday


    A fun way for Chin Woo members and their families to get together to celebrate Christmas in the great outdoors.



    Sunday 2nd December 2012



    Kaitoke Regional Park where you can swim in tranquil river pools, or explore beautiful bush clad tracks, some suitable for wheelchairs. Walk the Ridge Track for wonderful views of the Upper Hutt valley, or visit the magical spot used as a set for Rivendell in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


    How to get there?

    The main entrance is at Kaitoke. Turn left off SH2 at Waterworks Road, 12km north of Upper Hutt. The park entrance is 1km from the highway. The smiley face below marks the spot where we will be based.


    What to Bring?

    BYO food and drink.

    Portable gas BBQ if you like, although there should be enough BBQs there for us to use.

    Sunscreen and swimming togs.

    Bats, balls and other stuff to do.



    Be sure to post a comment on the Chin Woo Facebook Website if you need a lift or can provide transport to and from the park on the day.



    Cancellation due to bad weather will be posted on both the Chin Woo New Zealand Website and our Facebook Site before 9am on Sunday 2nd December.


    Need more information?

    Contact David Chan on 021 0262 5408, or Facebook Message/ Comment on the Chin Woo New Zealand Facebook Page.

  • 12th World Chin Woo Tournament & Festival – Tianjin

    12th World Chin Woo Tournament & Festival – Tianjin

    Chin Woo New Zealand wishes to congratulate the NZ athletes who attended the recent 12th World Chin Woo Tournament & Festival held in Tianjin, China from 26th to 31st October, bringing home 3 Gold, 5 Silver & 1 Bronze medals among the 6 athletes.

    The New Zealand team was almost unable to participate at this tournament owing to the postponement of the event by 8 days, with notification reaching us only 3 weeks out from the original date. However, with much patience and determination from the NZ side, the team of 12 successfully attended this biennial international event.

    The Chin Woo New Zealand team comprised of Mr. Kenneth Liu (Patron & Life President), Mr. Jack Chan (Vice-Chairman), Mr. George Guo (Chief Coach), 6 Athletes – Ngaroma Buchanan, Rangiatea Buchanan, Jenny Ling, Tessa Ewens, Nick Ewens & Helen Cheng, with 3 Supporters – Derek Buchanan, Tanja Blinkhorn & Ben Ewens.

    A more detailed account accompanied with photos of this event will follow.

  • Chin Woo Wellington Movie Night

    On Saturday 30th June, Chin Woo Wellington hosted a kung fu film and pizza night at the Aro Valley Community Centre. The event was very well attended with lots of new faces dotted amongst familiar friends and acquaintances.

    Jet Li’s ‘Once Upon a Time in China’ was screened and special thanks must go to Magna Home Entertainment for providing us with the copyright consent to screen this classic film in public. Also, with any event like this, there is a team of volunteers who give generously of their time (and money) to ensure the night goes ahead without a hitch. In this regard, thanks to Keane, Miki, Geoff, Tania, Tony, Shari, Darren, Matt, Britta, Zak and Mei for their help organising this event.

    The event was a fundraising success and proceeds will be put towards staging kung fu workshops later this year.

    Lastly, remember to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook to stay in touch with goings on in Chin Woo New Zealand.