Fourth Chin Woo New Zealand Annual Wushu Competition

Saturday 6th October 2007, 9am to 5pm
Application Form & Rules and Regulations
Followup of the Competition

To be held at Farm Cove Intermediate Gymnasium, Butley Drive, Pakuranga, Auckland.

This annual event has became so immensely popular since its initiation in 2004, under the tutelage of Chin Woo New Zealand’s Chief Wushu Coach, Mr. George Guo.

This year Chin Woo New Zealand will extend the competition items to include the IWUF (International Wushu Federation) competition forms & other traditional empty hand & weapons forms, and is open to all clubs & individuals outside the Chin Woo New Zealand membership.

For the Chin Woo Forms the competitors are divided into two categories:

1) training for 1 year & under,
2) with over 1 year of training.

There are three age groups:
1) Child 10 years or under,
2 ) Youth 11 to 17 years old,
3 ) Adult 18 years & above;
male or female division.

There is no age or gender division in the IWUF Forms and in the Traditional Form Exhibition Group.

For more information, please email “” Or download your Application Form & Rules and Regulations.

We would like to thank Asia New Zealand Foundation & Auckland City, whom enabled this event to take place.