Chin Woo Forms Judging Workshop in Shanghai

In order for the World Chin Woo Federation to further advance the 2nd and 3rd groups of the Chin Woo Traditional Forms for Competition, and also to improve on the promotion and judging standard for these forms, the headquarter of Chin Woo in Shanghai has decided to host a weekend seminar for these forms on 27th and 28th August 2011 in Shanghai, China.

The cost for this weekend is approx NZ$300, which includes training & material fees, accommodation (share twin) and 3 meals for each of the days. Airfare & travel insurance extra.

Criteria for attendance:

1) Must be a current CWNZ member

2) At least 2 years experience of practicing the current 10 sets of Chin Woo Traditional Forms

3) Good health

4) Good command of Putonghua (course conducted in Chinese only)

All who are interested are to contact us by or before July 15th to