Traditional Chin Woo “STAR” Assessment 2011

Date: May 29th, 2011 (Sunday)
Time: Commence at 1:30pm
Venue: West Wave Recreation Centre, 20 Alderman Drive, Henderson, Auckland

Regulations: The “Star” system is an assessment system that implemented by the World Chin Woo Athletic Federation to evaluate the overall understanding (technical & cultural) of it’s participants for the purpose of popularization and promotion of Wushu worldwide.

A) Levels of “STAR” system:
1) Pre-requisite to “Star”
2) One Star
3) Two Stars
4) Three Stars

B) Requirements for applicants:
1) Pre-requisite grade – training under one year
2) One Star grade – training for one year or more and completed the Tan Tui, Gong Li Quan & Qun Yang Gun forms
3) Two Stars grade – must have obtained One Star and have completed the Jie Quan, Ba Gua Dao & Jie Tan Tui forms
4) Three Stars grade – must have obtained Two Stars and have completed Da Zhan Quan, Wu Hu Qiang, Dan Dao Chuan Qiang & Tao Quan forms

C) Cost:
1) Pre-requisite grade $20
2) One Star grade $40
3) Two Stars grade $60
4) Three Stars grade $80

All assessments comprise of both technical & cultural component. Certificates will be issued to all participants at the award ceremony, time and venue to be announced on a later date.

All applications & payment must be received by Chin Woo New Zealand no later than May 14th, 2011.

Chin Woo New Zealand Secretariat