Eulogy to Madam Jasmine Tung- by Mr Peter Yu

Chin Woo NZ is deeply saddened by the passing of our Honorary Life President, Madam Jasmine Tung, on Friday 06/03 in Hong Kong.

Madam Jasmine Tung is the daughter of the world renowned Taichi Master Tung Ying Kit, an influential contemporary teacher of the Yang Style Taichi Chuan. Born in 1940, she trained extensively first under her famous father Tung Ying Kit and later with her equally eminent older brother Tung Fu Ling, before becaming an assistant instructor at her father’s school in her teens. After the death of her father and with her older brother Tung Fu Ling who spent much of his time in propagating Taichi Chuan between Europe and North America, Jasmine took over the role as the Headmaster of the Tung Ying Kit Taichi School in Hong Kong in 1966.


In 1986 Madam Tung successfully became one of the first Wushu Judges under IWUF (International Wushu Federation) outside of China. In 1987 she was invited by the Hong Kong Wushu Union to become the Director of Referees and currently as Honorary Chairperson. In 1988, she was invited to be a Taichi Referee at the All Japan Wushu Taiji Tournament. She is the founder and Chief Instructor of the Jasmine Tung Taichi Academy of Australia in 1988. At the 11th Asian Games 1990, she was one of the judges for the Taichi Chuan event. In 1996 she took on the post of Honorary Advisor & Instructor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Taichi Chuan Association. 1997 as Chairperson for Hong Kong Chin Woo Athletic Association. 2001-2002 as the Representative for Traditional Chinese Martial Arts of OWUF (Oceania Wushu Federation). In 2006 Madam Tung was appointed Honorary Life President of Chin Woo NZ.

In January 2008 , Madam Tung passed the Wushu Duan Wei Examination and achieved Duan Wei 8. At the time she was only the second person in Hong Kong to have been awarded 8 Duan by the Chinese Wushu Association.

A long time propagator of the Yang Style Taichi Chuan within Hong Kong and abroad will be sorely missed by Traditional Chinese Martial Artists all around the world.

Executives & members of Chin Woo New Zealand mourn for the loss of a good friend and mentor and we wish to extend our deepest condolences to her family.






董女士毕生锐意献身于推广杨式太极不违余力,具承先启后精神,实乃我等武术界仝人之楷模典范,更对世界中国武术界带来深远影响,对推广 中华文化,写下辉煌一页,功不可没。今遽然皈依极乐,令世界中国武术界顿感哀伤,悲痛与失落。纽西兰精武体育总会上下仝人为失去会内一位良师益友深为哀恸惋惜。谨向董府上下致以深切慰问。