Nominations for Election of Officers to Executive Committee of Chin Woo Athletic Association of NZ Inc

The Chin Woo Athletic Association of New Zealand Inc (the “Association”) is encouraging members to put forward nominees for Executive Positions of the Association by submitting nominations to Self nominations will be accepted.

The Executive Positions are:
Secretary General
Membership Secretary
Regional Director- Auckland
Regional Director- Wellington

If you know of excellent candidates that meet the eligibility requirements below, please be sure to submit your nomination(s) right away.

In order to be eligible to be an Executive candidate a person must:

• Be a fully paid up member of the Association as at the date of the Election;
• Have been a fully paid up member of the Association for not less than 2 consecutive years prior to the Election;
• Be a life member of the Association;
• Complete an Expression of Interest for Election Form (form can be downloaded from the “Downloads Section” of this website) and return the same to the Chairman Mr Peter Yu.

Please note that Nomination does not guarantee Election. Election of Executive members rests with the sitting Executive Committee.

Nominations for the Executive Committee will be accepted through to 26th September 2008. Election of Executive Members will take place during the Annual General Meeting of the Association on 5th October 2008 (the “AGM”).

All elected Committee Members will take office immediately following the AGM.

We are looking forward to an active participation by Chin Woo members in the nominations and election process, and thank you in advance for your qualified nominations.


Peter Yu
Chin Woo Athletic Association of New Zealand Inc.