Interviews with Sifu Melissa Fung and Madam Shi Mei Lin

Recently, Wellington instructors Sifu Melissa Fung and Madam Shi Mei Lin were interviewed by Chinese newspaper Homevoice for International Womens Day.
Sifu Fung, who has made New Zealand her home for the past 25 years, teaches Hung Gar and Hap Gar kung fu. Sifu Fung began learning traditional Chinese martial arts in Guangzhou in 1962 under Master Deng Gum To. A traditional Wushu champion during the 1970s and early 1980s, she was the gold medallist in the ‘Southern Fist’ category at the All China Traditional Martial Arts competition in 1980. In the years to follow she instructed classes for her teacher and was a qualified judge and trainer for the Guangdong Wushu Federation. Sifu Fung is one of two Technical Director’s for Chin Woo NZ. For more information about Sifu Fung and her school visit

Sifu Melissa Fung - Home Voice

Madam Shi Mei Lin has also made New Zealand her home for many years and specialises in Wushu and Wu Family Tai Chi. She is the adopted grand daughter of of Wu Yinghua and Ma Yueliang. She has been an international Tai Chi champion and five times an All China National Tai Chi Champion. She has toured with Chinese Wushu teams internationally, including the United States in 1974 when she was part of an elite Chinese Martial Arts Delegation that also included Jet Li (Li Lianjie). Madam Shi Mei Lin has presented and taught at many Chin Woo NZ events over the years; for more information on her and her school visit

Madam Shi Mei Lin - Home Voice