Annual General Meeting, Hamilton


Mr Robert Pointon who has been appointed the new Secretary General for the Chin Woo Athletic Association of New Zealand. The demands of this position require the incumbent to have both a thorough understanding and belief in the Chin Woo movement as well as excellent communication skills across all levels of the associations involvement. Mr Robert Pointon not only has these traits but has dedicated himself to promoting Chin Woo at grass roots level over the years as the Regional Director for the Central Region.

On Sunday 17th June 2007, the Chin Woo Athletic Association of
New Zealand held its Annual General Meeting in Hamilton

Mr Robert Pointon, the Central Regional Director hosted the event which included not only the AGM, but also two introductory workshops given by Chin Woo executive members Mrs Malissa Ng (Chen Family Tai Chi Chuan) and Mr George Guo (Gong Li Chuan). Both workshops were well supported by people from Auckland and the Waikato Region with both young and old, beginner and experienced taking part.