2015 Membership Fees

Thank you for supporting the Chin Woo Athletic Association over the past year. Our 2015/16 financial year has started (the 1st of April) and the yearly membership fees are now due. We would very much appreciate your continued support as we promote traditional Chinese martial arts and culture in New Zealand.

The membership fee is still $20 per year, and the membership form can be downloaded from the ‘Download’ section of this website. Please return the completed form and membership fee.

Your membership fee can be paid in the following ways:

  • A direct deposit into the Chin Woo bank account. Please use your name as the reference.
  • By sending the completed form and a cheque to Chin Woo Athletic Association of New Zealand, PO Box 6971, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141.
  • Finally, you can hand-deliver the membership form and fee. If you’re in Auckland then please give it to Regional Director Mr George Guo at his training venue in Auckland. If you’re in Wellington, then Chairman Peter Yu in Wellington can be found at Martial Arts Supplies, Level 1, 45 Courtenay Place, Wellington.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you at Chin Woo events in 2015/16!